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Siem Reap Province places with letter S

On this page you can see the list of all the communes in Siem Reap Province with the letter A. Click on the place name to see map and postcode.

Siem Reap Province places with letter S

Country Commune Postcode
CambodiaSaen Sokh Commune 170707
CambodiaSambuor Commune 170706
CambodiaSnuol Commune 170708
CambodiaSranal Commune 170709
CambodiaSala Kamreuk 171204
CambodiaSambuor 171208
CambodiaSiem Reap 171209
CambodiaSla Kram 171201
CambodiaSrangae 171210
CambodiaSvay Dangkum 171202
CambodiaSamraong Commune 170409
CambodiaSamraong Yea Commune 170612
CambodiaSasar Sdam Commune 170601
CambodiaSangvaeuy Commune 170811
CambodiaSpean Tnaot Commune 170812
CambodiaSlaeng Spean Commune 170306
CambodiaSrae Khvav Commune 171106
CambodiaSrae Nouy Commune 170103
CambodiaSvay Sa Commune 170104
CambodiaSvay Check Commune 171004
CambodiaSvay Leu Commune 170204