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Cambodia Postal Code

Takeo Province places with letter P

On this page you can see the list of all the communes in Takeo Province with the letter A. Click on the place name to see map and postcode.

Takeo Province places with letter P

Country Commune Postcode
CambodiaPea Ream Commune210809
CambodiaPot Sar Commune210810
CambodiaPech Sar Commune210502
CambodiaPrey Khla Commune210503
CambodiaPrey Yuthka Commune210504
CambodiaPhnum Den Commune210607
CambodiaPreah Bat Choan Chum Commune210602
CambodiaPrey Ampok Commune210608
CambodiaPrey Rumdeng Commune210609
CambodiaPonley Commune210904
CambodiaPreaek Phtoul Commune210905
CambodiaPrey Phkoam Commune210906
CambodiaPopel Commune210209
CambodiaPou Rumchak Commune210408
CambodiaPrey Kabbas Commune210409
CambodiaPrey Lvea Commune210410
CambodiaPrey Phdau Commune210411
CambodiaPrambei Mum Commune210105
CambodiaPrey Sloek Commune210107