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Kampong Cham Province places with letter S

On this page you can see the list of all the communes in Kampong Cham Province with the letter A. Click on the place name to see map and postcode.

Kampong Cham Province places with letter S

Country Commune Postcode
CambodiaSambour Commune 030107
CambodiaSandaek Commune 030108
CambodiaSambuor Meas 030403
CambodiaSampong Chey Commune 030306
CambodiaSdaeung Chey Commune 030307
CambodiaSoutib Commune 030308
CambodiaSramar Commune 030309
CambodiaSamraong Commune 030811
CambodiaSour Saen Commune 030810
CambodiaSragnae Commune 030812
CambodiaSdau Commune 030610
CambodiaSour Kong Commune 030611
CambodiaSoupheas Commune 031010
CambodiaSpueu Commune 030205
CambodiaSvay Teab Commune 030206
CambodiaSrak Commune 030513
CambodiaSvay Khsach Phnum Commune 023113
CambodiaSvay Pou Commune 023712