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Cambodia Postal Code

Steung Treng Province places with letter S

On this page you can see the list of all the communes in Steung Treng Province with the letter A. Click on the place name to see map and postcode.

Steung Treng Province places with letter S

Country Commune Postcode
CambodiaSam Ang Commune190409
CambodiaSrae Ruessei Commune190410
CambodiaSrah Ruessei190502
CambodiaSteung Treng190501
CambodiaSamkhuoy Commune190104
CambodiaSdau Commune190105
CambodiaSrae Kor Commune190106
CambodiaSantepheap Commune190303
CambodiaSekong Commune190302
CambodiaSrae Sambour Commune190304
CambodiaSiem Bouk Commune190206
CambodiaSrae Krasang Commune190207